Our mission at NaturAll Club is to make products with integrity, while fostering and uplifting our community. In line with this mission, we are launching our second annual Week of Giving. From 12/9 through 12/14, we will donate a portion of our profits to Mighty Writers, a nonprofit organization in our home, Philadelphia.
"Mighty Writers (MW) teaches Philadelphia kids ages 7-17 to think clearly and write with clarity so they can achieve success at school, work and in life.
We believe in the magical power of writing-it has transformed literally thousands of lives. We see it every day in kids who walk into our neighborhood writing centers. First, they learn to think clearly. Then, they express their thoughts clearly in writing. When this happens, self-esteem soars. Fuzzy futures become clear, relationships build and leadership skills emerge. With eyes keenly fixed on the prize, our Mighty kids graduate high school and go to college.
In a time when our politicians and news professionals are arguing about the very nature of facts, learning how to think and write clearly is more important than ever. Mighty Writers provides programs that support and foster students’ critical thinking skills and their ability to differentiate real news from fake, real facts from opinions. We’re elevating these values in our writing communities that are compassionate, inclusive and ambitious."
At NaturAll Club, we are deeply rooted in our community and city of Philadelphia. We understand the support from our community made NaturAll Club possible, and helped us grow so much throughout 2018. It is our mission, responsibility, and honor to give back to our community in gratitude and respect.
NaturAll Club partnered with Mighty Writers last December to support their mission of teaching kids in our community to think clearly and write with clarity so they can achieve success at school, work and in life. We donated a portion of our profits to the organization, and our Founder and CEO, Muhga Eltigani, ran a workshop on entrepreneurship for the students in the program. Kids age 15-17 were invited to learn about developing a business idea, writing a business pitch, and apply for an internship.
This year, we are thrilled to continue our partnership with Mighty Writers. With new products and more sales in 2018, we have more to give! With each product we make and sell, we have the power to strengthen and support the community around us.
As a member of the NaturAll Club community, we invite you to join us in our Week of Giving. A portion of every purchase you make by 12/14 will go directly to Mighty Writers. Click here to shop. Alternatively, we encourage you to give directly at www.mightywriters.org.