Oh honey.
Have you ever thought about the first person to try honey? Bees are basically breathing daggers with wings who make food using their own bodies. Who was the first person to look at bees and think—“mama ain’t raise no punk!” Who was the first brave fool to approach a guarded temple of bee goop and say—“Imma lick it?” We’re not sure, but whoever it was, thank you.
If you’ve ever had a chance to look at our list of ingredients (look at our list of natural ingredients!) you’ll see that NaturAll loves honey. It can be found in the Dull Hair Solution of our Avocado Deep Conditioner (which we also love) and in the kitchens of most of our team members. This blogpost is about why you should get with the program if you haven’t, and put some respect on honey’s name.
Honey facts.
Like most good things, honey comes from flowers. Records show that we have fossilized honey combs dating back to 3 million years ago. Since honey is basically eternally shelf stable and never truly spoils, records also show that you could probably still eat them. (We wouldn’t recommend it.)
Like our Fresh Frozé Treatment Deep Conditioners, ancients considered honey a divine substance worthy of the gods. Humans have been using it as medicine since before Mesopotamia. Hone(stl)y—it still slaps. Honey is an emollient that has enzymes, vitamins, minerals, antiseptic properties, and is inhospitable to bacteria. (Your fave condiment could nevah.)
Because of this, honey is great for dealing with dandruff, eczema, psoriasis, itchiness, infection, and other scalp problems. It’s antibacterial and antiseptic qualities go a long way in bringing life back into your hair and scalp!
Additionally, these properties also mean that honey is great for cleaning and strengthening your hair follicles, boosting hair growth, encouraging hair regrowth, sealing in moisture, reducing breakage, keeping your hair conditioned, softening your hair, and more! This is why we use pure honey in our all natural products, and will continue to do so!
Historically, honey has been used to cure and support:
- dandruff
- stomach ulcers
- seasonal allergies
- insomnia
- sore throat
- hay fever
- infection
- wounds
- scarring
- digestive health
- weight loss
- bone health
Beelieve it or not.
Honeybees communicate to each other by dancing, the most famous case of this being the ultimate queen bee—Beyonce. Female honey bees/aka worker bees/aka bee-males are the only bees who are likely to attack you (if you try them.) Male honey bees are larger, have no stingers, do no work, and spend all their time mating or thinking about it (sound familiar?)
Bees make two to three times more honey than they need to survive and beekeepers often feed them sugar water in return for harvesting that sweet sweet goodness. This means that there is more than enough honey to go around, as long as we harvest ethically! Enough about bees, let’s talk about you:
DIY reme-bees: 5 ways to incorporate honey into your bee-auty regimen:
- Dry scalp? Add honey to warm milk for a quick conditioning treatment! Mix half a cup of warm milk, a tablespoon of honey, and a teaspoon of olive oil. Let this concoction soak into your hair, then rinse off with our Hydrating Avocado Kiwi Shampoo after massaging into your scalp! This treatment will help give you more manageable, milky-smooth hair.
- Get yourself a spray bottle! Mix ¼ cup of distilled water, 1 tablespoon of raw honey, 3 drops of your favorite essential oil, two tablespoons of coconut oil, and two tablespoons of avocado and kiwi oil into your bottle. Use this sweet sweet mist as a refresher for your hair throughout the day! This mixture will fight frizz, keep moisture, and disappoint your haters.
- Mix 3-4 tablespoons of honey, a few drops of your favorite essential oil, 2-3 tablespoons of avocado & kiwi oil, and 1-2 cups of milk into your bath. This will help give you noticeably softer, smoother skin, and a chance to smell like the snack you are.
- Dry face? Use honey and a bit of warm water for a sweet facial mask that’ll help bring moisture into those lovely cheeks of yours. Leave your mask on for 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water for clearer, healthier skin, and the partner of your dreams. (Okay, maybe not the last part.)
- Damaged Hair? Try the Dull Hair Solution of NaturAll Club's Avocado Deep Conditioner, which uses pure honey as a key active ingredient. Apply to your hair from roots to tips (focus on the tips!) Cover your hair for 20 minutes, play some tunes, ignore your man, and rinse with warm water and our Avocado Shampoo for best results.