Welcome Back Naturalistas!
Have you ever wondered how to rock a classic afro using only natural ingredients and products? So did we... so we decided to attempt an afro using NaturAll's Hydrating Avocado Kiwi Collection, which only uses natural, non-toxic ingredients. You can learn more about these ingredients and product here.
Ready to try an all-natural style on your natural hair? Come with us as we break down this DIY hairstyle using NaturAll's Avocado Kiwi Collection.
1. If it is wash day for you, start by applying a quarter-sized amount of the sulfate-free, Hydrating Shampoo to wet hair, gently massing and working it into a rich lather. This product will cleanse your hair and scalp without stripping moisture away, leaving your hair hydrated and ready for styling. *If you aren't washing your hair today, skip to step 4!
2. After rinsing thoroughly, work a generous amount of the silicone-free, sulfate-free Hydrating Avocado Conditioner through your hair from roots to ends, combing or finger-detangling your hair in sections.
3. Rinse once more and finally apply NaturAll's Hydrating Avocado Kiwi Ice Cream Deep Conditioner to your hair in sections, focusing on the ends. Cover your hair with hair cap and let it sit for 20-40 minutes. Rinse thoroughly one last time.
4. If your hair is not freshly washed, spritz your hair with water so it is damp.
5. Section your hair into 4 parts and apply the LOC method, or in this case, LCO.
- Start with applying the Hydrating Leave-in Conditioner, which is the "L" in LOC. This avocado-based formula will ensure your afro stays moisturized and juicy.
- Top it off with the Avocado Kiwi Oil Blend from your scalp to roots. This is the "O" in LCO, and it seals in all that natural moisture and goodness, while preventing flakes or crunchiness. Like all NaturAll's other products, this oil blend is 100% natural.
6. Further section your hair by detangling it with your fingers and finger braid your hair all the way down.
7. With some perm rods, wrap and twist up each braid.
8. Repeat these steps for each remaining 3 sections.
9. Wrap your hair in a silk scarf and let it sit overnight to dry.
10. Next morning, take down the perm rods and moisturize your hair with the same Avocado Kiwi Oil Blend.
11. Separate each curl with your fingers.
12. Comb your hair with a wide tooth comb or a pick from starting from your edges to your roots.
13. Style and shape your classic afro to your liking!
So there you have it folks! If you follow these steps you will create a masterpiece!, and will only natural ingredients and products! Wear that beautiful classic afro and show the world how beautiful you are!
If you have any tips on how you do your classic afro, let us know in the comments below!