Although dealing with damaged hair can feel like a nightmare at times, we’re here to let you know it isn’t impossible to restore those juicy curls and coils. Follow this guide and learn some helpful tips and tricks!
Moisturize, cleanse, then moisturize again.
One of the keys to treating damaged hair is making sure your natural hair is infused with as much moisture as possible. Leaving your hair dry will make it weak and vulnerable to breakage.
Pick out a hydrating, sulfate-free shampoo and silicone-free conditioner that will remove any build-up while still providing the necessary moisture. NaturAll's Hydrating Avocado Kiwi Line is the perfect collection of products to cleanse your hair without stripping your hair of its natural oils. Not to mention that the products in this bundle are infused with olive oil, locking in moisture!
If these tips aren't getting the job done, we have a dedicated guide to moisturizing hair that just stays dry!
Hey, don’t be so rough.
Your hair should be treated as gently as possible, especially during the detangling process. Damaged hair is weak hair, so you may experience breakage if you aren't gentle.
We recommend using a deep conditioner that has great slip and nourishing ingredients. Our Restoring Fresh Frozé Treatment Deep Conditioner is great for effortless detangling and supreme hydration, leaving your curls and coils with a shiny luminous glow. This Deep Conditioner can even be used as a pre-poo treatment to make shampooing your hair even easier!
Deep condition the stress away.
Deep conditioners are the perfectly cooked-up potion for damaged hair, especially the Dry Hair Fresh Frozé Treatment Avocado Deep Conditioner. While the product won't instantly revert your hair, it will enrich your hair with moisture and nutrients, helping it to grow stronger and healthier. With consistent use, most customers see improvements in curl definition!

Who knew hot oil helps with damaged hair?
Many people aren’t familiar with the hot oil treatment. By warming up your favorite oil (we recommend this lightweight avocado and kiwi oil blend) and massaging it from your scalp to your tips (on damp hair), you can infuse your curls with the nutrients they deserve. This method can help to promote growth while also preventing that pesky frizz.
Yes, we’re talking about the big chop.
2 words someone with natural hair never wants to hear: big chop. But sometimes the damaged hair is too far gone. Think of it as a new beginning, your newly grown healthy curls will thank you later. And not to worry, we have a full guide on hairstyles you can do with short hair or a TWA!
Now that you’ve gotten some tips on how to bring back the bounce to those curlies, your next step is to prevent future damage. Never wait until it’s too late to keep taking care of your natural hair.
They’re called ‘protective styles’ for a reason.
Especially after a big chop, the best way to help your hair grow healthy and strong is by putting it in a protective style. Whether it be in braids or a wig, allow your hair to recover without any harsh impact from the outside world. (But don't neglect your edges while you have a protective style!)
Twist it out!
Like we said before, moisture is key. In order to keep all your hair moisturized at all times: section it out, add a generous amount of leave-in conditioner, work in your moisturizing styler, and let it soak in the juicy goodness for a few days before manipulating your hair again.
If you must press, press with heat protectant.
Try your hardest to fight the urge, but if you find yourself looking for your straightener please proceed with caution. Use cooler temperatures and spray an efficient heat protectant to avoid any future damage.
Let loose.
Curls and collies need room to sprout into their natural state. Let your hair relax and breathe by choosing looser hairstyles that require less tugging and teasing. The more freedom you give your hair, the less damage you have to deal with.
Don't forget about split ends.
You may be on your way back to healthier hair, but are you watching out for split ends? Get trims regularly and do everything you can to prevent split ends, which can cause long-term damage to your hair.
Trust us when we say damaged hair is not the end of the world, there’s always a way back. Whether you need a simple deep conditioning routine or a full blown big chop, your natural curl pattern can be restored to its full glory. So, keep your head up and keep your protective styles in to make sure you say bye-bye to damage for good.