Your edges- those soft, wispy baby hairs that grow along your hairline and frame your face- are the most fragile hairs on your head. It doesn’t take much to break them or to pull them out. This means they need extra care when you wash, moisturize, deep condition, and style your natural hair.
You might know this all too well, especially if you've recently lost your edges to a protective style that was too tight. But even if you have thinning or severely damaged edges, it's not too late! NaturAll Club has 10 steps to grow back your edges. And if your edges are healthy and you want to keep them that way, follow these same tips to let your edges thrive!
10 steps to grow back, protect, and maintain edges
1. Limit use of extensions or high maintenance styles that pull or put tension on your edges. Even ponytails and twists can damage your edges if you make them too tight. If you do get extensions, ask your stylist to leave out your edges. And if you decide to take a break from extensions to give your edges and hairline some needed rest, check out these other protective styles you can try.
2. Be careful of headbands and hats. Look for headbands with a silk lining, or use a thin satin scarf in between your hat and your hair. Satin or silk will protect your fragile edges from catching or breaking on hats.
3. Wrap and protect your edges at night with a silk scarf or bonnet. Any other fabric (even the cotton of your pillowcase) will absorb oils and moisture from your hair, making it dry and brittle. Friction with the pillowcase will also snag and break your edges. Tie the scarf on your forehead instead of directly on your edges, to avoid friction. And if you have trouble sleeping with a bonnet, be sure to get satin or silk pillowcases.
4. Massage edges with natural oils to keep moisturized and stimulate growth. The oils themselves stimulate growth and protect and strengthen your hair, and massaging your scalp also stimulates blood circulation and promotes growth. We recommend NaturAll Club's Jamaican Black Castor Oil Growth Serum to promote growth and a healthy scalp!
5. Don’t touch them! Your edges are fragile, and you would be surprised how many people lose their edges by absentmindedly pulling at them. Leave them alone!
6. Deep condition regularly to strengthen your edges (along with the rest of your hair.) We recommend NaturAll Club's Fresh Frozé Treatment Deep Conditioners for best results, which only contain natural ingredients that nourish, moisturize, and strengthen your hair.
7. Whenever you moisturize your hair, don't neglect your edges. Dry hair increases risk of breakage, and your edges are particularly vulnerable. Give them special attention and care, and always seal in moisture to prevent them drying out and breaking.
8. Fill your diet with vitamins and nutrients. Your hair and your edges need them to grow and maintain strength. Here are some great foods that nourish both your body and your hair.
9. Stop using heat. Since your edges are the most fragile hairs on your head, heat tools have the potential to completely fry them. If your edges are thinning, take a break from heat, and even if your edges are healthy, turn down the heat and use it less often.
10. Patience! Growing back your edges takes time. But if you follow these steps, you'll see results. Learn more about how to regrow your edges.
None of these tips working? Thinning edges and hair can also be due to health issues. If you think this is the case, check out this article on alopecia and hair loss.
Finally, if you're looking for a styling product for your edges, check out this quiz that will tell you which edge control is right for you!