Hi Naturalistas,
We're learning to love ourselves, so it's only natural that we love our hair too! However, we sometimes have bad hair days. You know, those days when you stare at the mirror, run your fingers through your hair, and decide that you want to cut it all off? Truly, natural hair might seem stressful to maintain, especially when you haven’t figured out what works for your hair. But that's why NaturAll Club exists, with plenty of hair tips to help you love the natural hair journey.
And with all the negative images that have been surrounding our hair for decades, it's easy to digest the lies sometimes and hate on our beautiful crowns. While those moments are understandable, we fail to realize how lucky we are. Lucky to have a crown of curls on our head. Lucky to be part of a thriving community of fellow Naturalistas that share, encourage, and blossom together. We need to look back on how far we have come as a community. We have worked hard to make our natural hair socially acceptable and we ought to embrace those curls because they are beautiful and worthy of praise!
So, the next time you look in the mirror with the intention of putting your natural hair down, we want you to remember these 10 reasons why you should love your gorgeous curls.
1. Curly hair is fun! You can style your curls in so many ways! The hairstyles and options are endless. When you are sick of that day-three bun, style your twist out with our Flaxseed Gel. With so many styles at your fingertips, it's impossible to get bored of natural hair.
2. Curly hair saves you money. Once you start wearing your natural curly hair out, you never have to spend money on a curling iron or a relaxer ever again! And the money you do spend is on products that actually benefit your hair, so you can feel good about it.
3. No more heat damage! Say goodbye to burning your hair when you give your hair a breath of fresh air and embrace those curls.
4. No need to worry about the weather! When it’s raining or humid outside, you don’t have to worry about your hair getting ruined, like it does if your hair is straightened. Come rain, come shine, your hair will stay curly!
5. A part of the crew. Every curly head is part of a family! From social media to social events, the curls unite different races and genders together establishing a sense of unity and harmony. Curly heads can all relate and turn to each other for support and help!
6. Easy to take care of (with practice!) Once you find a regimen that works for you, taking care of your curls will be a breeze. Your routine will become second nature and you will actually enjoy wash-day! Who would have thought? Just remember, the key to a simple regimen is finding hair products that work for you. And speaking of wash day, have you tried NaturAll Club's Wash and Go Bundle?
7. You create deceiving looks! Let’s face it … we get compliments on our curls all the time, but what outsiders might not know is that they are complimenting our day-three curls. Our curls can look and feel good for days and people don't even know. That truly is a gift!
8. Length does not matter. Whether you have short, medium, or long curls, you look amazing! Our curls are versatile, can be worn at any length, and still look great.
9. Mesmerizing to look at. Curly hair is full of surprises. Every curl is uniquely patterned and beautiful. Staring at the formation of how each curl falls on your head is mesmerizing. Believe it or not!
10. You (and your hair) are UNIQUE! Just like you, your hair is unique and cannot be compared. Why fit in with the crowd and look like everyone else? You are one of a kind. Your curls make you unique and that is something to be proud of!
That is all, my curly head friends! This guide can go on and on, but always remember that curly hair is a blessing and should not be taken for granted. So keep on shining, styling, and moisturizing. And let us know the reasons you love your curly hair in the comment section!