In this part of our How To Care for Color Treated Hair Series, we are sharing hair coloring options for your natural tresses in our ultimate guide to dyed hair (click here for part 1).
Permanent Hair Color involves using chemicals to lighten or darken your hair. The color lasts until your hair grows out or recolor it. Here are the different types of permanent hair colors to consider:
Hair Lightening
Lightening your hair requires a lightening agent (bleach, peroxide or ammonia) to achieve your desired shade.Transitioning from Brunette to platinum blonde is an example of a drastic change, this can be an extremely damaging process. Lightening should be done gradually to avoid severe damage to the hair cuticles. Consult with a coloring specialist if you aim to lighten your hair drastically.
Permanent hair dyes
Permanent hair dyes chemically alter your hair. A lightening agent is mixed with the hair color to be deposited. These permanent dyes provide long-lasting color that will not need to be applied frequently.They also have a more natural look compared to semi-permanent dyes. The caveat, however, is that permanent dyes can be more damaging to your hair. The chemicals used are stronger and the mixture usually has to be left on for a longer period.
Temporary hair colors come in the forms of semi-permanent dyes, hair waxes, chalks or sprays. They do not chemically alter your hair. If you are looking for a low-maintenance color that does not require a long-term commitment, this type of coloring might be for you.
Semi-Permanent Dye
Some refer to semi-permanent dyes as rinses. This means the color will fade (or rinse out) as you shampoo your hair. The longevity of the color depends on the type of temporary hair color that you choose.
Hair Painting
Hair painting is a great alternative if you want some fun color without the long term commitment. It can come in a wax, chalk, or spray and can be washed out immediately. The only downside is that the color will not be as bright as a permanent hair color would.
Natural Alternatives
If none of the options above work for you, here are some home remedies that are said to add red/orange tints, darken and/or lightening your hair. Please be aware that these natural alternatives might cause allergic reactions.
- Carrot Juice may give you a red/orange tint. The tint can last a few weeks depending on the color of your hair.
- Beet Juice may give you a deeper red tint compared to that of carrot juice.
- Henna is most known for its ability to create temporary tattoos, but it is also used to dye hair red.
- Lemon Juice is said to be a great way to lighting your hair naturally.
- Chamomile Tea is said to be great for lightening hair. The catch is that it works best for already lightened hair. It is said to require weekly upkeep for maintaining light lustrous hair.
- Coffee is most widely known for providing a morning boost, but it is also used by some to color their hair. It is said to make hair 2 shades darker and cover grey hair. Lasts for up to 7 days.
- Sage is said to be another great option for hair darkening. It is said to act the same as coffee in darkening and staying power.
Deep Condition
Deep conditioning color treated hair is so important! Color treatments usually make your hair dry and brittle, so deep conditioning will help by moisturizing and strengthening your hair, preventing breakage and dryness. You can check out our Fresh Avocado Deep Conditioner here!
Wanna know more? Click here for part 3 of this series!