We love hearing natural hair journeys from our customers!
Tonaka has been a NaturAll community member for years, and decided to share her story with us. We hope her story is inspiring and encouraging to you!
Tonaka's Journey: Eliminating Heat for a Year
My name is Tonaka Gill and I have been natural for 12 years. For 11 of those years, I used to go to the beauty salon every two weeks and get my hair washed, conditioned, flat ironed, and/or straightened. I have four children (two boys, two girls) who are also natural. I never tried to do my own hair until 2017. Last year for the first time, I decided to try different products on my hair with no heat for a year.
What I love about my hair is that it is of type 4c low porosity and I believe with 4c hair, you can do a lot of different styles. Another thing that I love about my hair is that it was a great team player with many different products and brands. Each month, I would feature a new hair product brand to see what worked for my hair and what did not work for my hair. Each month, I would learn something new about my hair by the way it would respond to certain products.
One of the challenges that I faced was spending hours creating a style with certain products that would leave heavy build up, residue or flakes. One thing that I can say is that I learned a lot about my hair. I learned how to care for my hair.
I found out about NaturAll through a Youtuber that I follow named Kaice Alea. After watching a Youtube video about one of NaturAll Club's Deep Conditioners, I decided to purchase one. I ordered the NaturAll Club Dry Solution Deep Conditioner. I tried it; I fell in love, and had to order some more.
What I love about this product is that it is 100% natural. When I applied the Deep Conditioner to my hair, it had great slip and it was very moisturizing. It made my hair feel like butter and it was very soft. It brought my hair back to life in such a short period of time. I would highly recommend this product to all naturals no matter what your hair type is. I also purchased the Jamaican Black Castor Oil Growth Serum. It also made my hair come alive. A lot of moisture was added to the strands of my hair as well as shine. For both of these products, a little goes a long way.
Thank you for reading Tonaka's story! We want to hear YOUR natural hair journey too! If you want to share your story please fill out this form. All selected stories will be featured on our website and social media!